Skin Revolution Silk Facial Mask Sheet
Skin Revolution Silk Facial Mask Sheet
RM 118.00
Can quickly remove dark heavy melanin, improve skin beautiful white, elastic, especially for easy to dry and sensitive skin inflammation with unique immune protection.
Skin Revolution Silk Facial Mask Sheet
Using nanotechnology, with super permeation, namely antioxidant stability, can stay in inside derma for more than six hours and slow release levorotatory C not levorotatory C oxidation, Has the hydrophilicity, lipophilic character dual characteristics; Can accelerate the collagen synthesis, fade melanin precipitation, shading, fleck, age spots sunburn, and other types spots and except knit, dispel scar, and repair defect concavity blain hole, still can quickly remove dark heavy melanin, improve skin beautiful white, elastic, especially for easy to dry and sensitive skin inflammation with unique immune protection.
Levorotatory vitamin C prefiltration: whitening, remove seals
Weight 0.4 kg Packaging Quantity 6 pieces
Ingredients L-VC, hyaluronic acis, 1.3-butanediol, deionized water, arginine.